What I've done so far

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I've lived in New York City all my life, grew up in Chinatown (wonder if my elementary school has a web page?), travelled all over the five boroughs, all on one New York City Transit Authority train pass. My High School has a Web page! Hunter College High School! Check it out. It's the school for the "Intellectually Gifted"!?!?!?!? It's much better than before. Check it out...
College was a little different, but I still enjoyed it. Pratt Institute was where I went for my Bachelor's in Civil Engineering (Accredited - Graduated 2/90). The engineering school is now gone, victim of the times. Enrollment was down, so the powers that be decided to close it down, much to the dismay of the current engineering student body. All remaining engineering students were given the opportunity to transfer to Polytech with all credits transferable. It was okay, but still a shock.

It's nice being a Civil Servant. I've always felt the need to help others out to the best of my ability, even if it meant spending more than the budgeted time allowed. Doing so in the private sector just did not seem to work for me, even if it could have meant bonuses year after year. I would probably go hungry doing it on my own as a consultant. The quality just wouldn't be there. Burn-out in either case would not be fun. Therefore, I work for the New York State Office of General Services, Design and Construction Group. You can also find out about other types of New York State Information.. Check out theNew York State Web Page too.

After doing a six year stint with the United States Marine Corps (Reserve) and a six month tour of duty in Desert Storm (1990-1991), I have a greater appreciation of our armed forces. It was a very exciting period of my life. Looking back, I guess I wanted to be a part of the life I had seen in the movies in my youth. As a kid, I had watched all sorts of movies, especially John Wayne movies. Learned all about World War I and II. Read up on the Cold War and nuclear weapons. Knew all about weapons and warfare. Had a big interest in revolvers and the quick-draw. Horses however didn't appeal to me much. Basically, I guess I had the choice of being a cowboy or a member of the armed forces, but my practical side took over and kept me from doing it full time. Hence the Reserves became the number one option. It also gave me a chance to give back to this country of ours. Here's a link to the Armed Forces Home Pages, the Marine Corp Home Page and especially the Gulf War Veteran's Page.

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